Haha, today i thought no disciple class can rest for a day. woke up at 9am, made breakfast for me and my bro. Yum yum! then vacuum the house followed by mopping it. Just when i thought i can seat down and relax after housework,we were invited to go for disciple class cum jesus's bride celebration, also surprise birthday for uncle peter. We went throught the successful manual first. One of the few highlights was confrontation. HAHA, im not a great confronter myself, but i truly seen the importance of it. Without confrontation, the church cannot stand strong. We learnt too about management training, about how to train the next batch for God's runners in the marathon, not just wanting to be first ourselves, but to train people how to be first=D God is the Centre foundation of our lives,without it, our life wheel will be upside down. The lesson today was great overall, never regreted going!haha, looking forward to church tomorrow! xD