Light of the world,

You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of my life spent with You

And here I am to worship

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely

Altogether worthy

Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days

Oh, so highly exalted

Glorious in heaven above

Humbly You came to the earth You created

All for love's sake became poor

I'll never know how much it cost

To see my sin upon that cross

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: Justin
Birthday: 05/07/93
Occupation:Minister of God

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

*.* 100th Post... *.*

Falala... The 100th post ain't gonna be long=D... These few days,I GUESS IM GETTING TO KNOW MYSELF? Haiz...somehow im not the person i thought i was... Guess i never knew who i am... And im a angry kid... I super angry now>.< I was tested on my patience to the max... And im sorry to all that i ignored in my anger... Sorry... I guess i'm just starting to get in touch with my feelings after so long... I can't express my feelings... And im blinded. God help me to make changes... I so wanted to vow that i will never express my feelings... Coz... expressing them lefts me with no one... But i don't care. I'll be real from now on, and if this means that i lose friends so be it... FUCK ALL WHO DON'T ALLOW ME TO EXPRESS MYSELF!!!!!!!!!
Yea i sweared so?? Angry means angry, but anyway... LOL... starting from tomorow cannot go jesus'bride le... Freaking focus study GOSH.... im like working... OK... thats about it? Moral of the story:Fuck off if u don't like me=D
I don't like you anyway=D And YES,NO MORE INVOLVEMENT IN RELATIONSHIPS=D OVER AND DONE! As in BGR? I still love my friends... OK SO LONG...

I Shining with Jesus @ | 5:27 AM