*.* 100th Post... *.*
Falala... The 100th post ain't gonna be long=D... These few days,I GUESS IM GETTING TO KNOW MYSELF? Haiz...somehow im not the person i thought i was... Guess i never knew who i am... And im a angry kid... I super angry now>.< I was tested on my patience to the max... And im sorry to all that i ignored in my anger... Sorry... I guess i'm just starting to get in touch with my feelings after so long... I can't express my feelings... And im blinded. God help me to make changes... I so wanted to vow that i will never express my feelings... Coz... expressing them lefts me with no one... But i don't care. I'll be real from now on, and if this means that i lose friends so be it... FUCK ALL WHO DON'T ALLOW ME TO EXPRESS MYSELF!!!!!!!!!
Yea i sweared so?? Angry means angry, but anyway... LOL... starting from tomorow cannot go jesus'bride le... Freaking focus study GOSH.... im like working... OK... thats about it? Moral of the story:Fuck off if u don't like me=D
I don't like you anyway=D And YES,NO MORE INVOLVEMENT IN RELATIONSHIPS=D OVER AND DONE! As in BGR? I still love my friends... OK SO LONG...